Shore Food Rescue strives to bring good food to those in need in the Eastern Monmouth County area, with no restrictions of any kind.
Whether it is rescued food from manufacturers/ grocers/farmers, or donation drives by local organizations, we can connect those who have with those who need.
Our motto is
"They need food
and they need it now!"
How it started:
Rev. Sue was visiting a food pantry and saw boxes of oranges piled high. The Pantry owner explained that with some of them going bad, they were going to have to destroy them. Rev. Sue believes she heard God say " Do you love me? Feed my sheep".
So she packed the 240 lbs of leaky, sticky oranges all the way to the roof of her compact car and drove off to the home of a very service oriented family. Upon explaining her idea to the family, the two sons and father began sorting the oranges and cleaning them. Turns out, there were many more viable oranges than not. Rev. Sue then looked around for a new distribution avenue for her oranges.
How it's going:
In 2022 EW-LBNJ distributed an average of 4000 lbs of food per month to those with needs.
We are now called Shore Food Rescue, and together we are hoping to help Rev Sue's vision reach well into the future needs of our area. Many hands make lighter work!
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Organizations we work with
Verified NJ 501c3 Non Profit